
Solar farms

The most popular method of harvesting sunlight in order to create energy is solar farming, and it is quickly becoming one of the most preferred new investments for companies and independent investors. Solar farms are large scale applications of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, providing a source of safe, locally produced renewable energy for many years after construction.

The land used for a solar farm creates a safe place where nature and wildlife can flourish. The ground beneath the solar panels can also be used to graze animals or grow grass and wildflowers. Due to their large area occupation, solar farms are usually developed in rural locations.

In order to get approval for solar farms in the UK, a series of rigorous planning procedures must be passed, taking into account the suitability of the site, any potential impact on the locality (will the presence of solar farms harm or endanger the environment, taking into consideration ecological as well as socio-economic factors) and the relevant renewable energy targets.


  • Solar farms generate electricity locally and feed into the local electricity grid using energy from the sun to generate electricity.
  • They represent time-limited, reversible land use and provide an increased, diversified and stable source of income for landowners.
  • There are no moving parts, so assembly and maintenance is minimal.
  • There is no by-product or waste generated, except during manufacturing or dismantling.
  • They have lower visual and environmental impacts than other forms of power generation.
  • Renewables give the customer the choice of buying green electricity and reduce reliance on scarce fossil fuels.



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